My eyes are closed and there's darkness all around
I struggle for light but all I have around is darkness

I open my eyes but it’s still the same
Darkness is all over the meadows
I bend to touch the flowers but all i feel are the thorns

I close my eyes and pray for light…but there's darkness all around

I open my eyes and see the world full of darkness
I cannot hear any one around me but still I can hear some footsteps
I look around for some light and I fall down

I close my eyes and pray for light but there's darkness all around

I open my eyes and look upwards at the sky
I try to look for the moon and the starts but there is only darkness
I run around in search of light but ….

I close my eyes and pray for light but there's darkness all around

I look back and try to follow the one whose footsteps were audible
I go to him and ask for help
He holds my hand and asks me to look for a secret which will take me towards light

I struggle more and pray for light again… m disappointed
I struggle more and pray for help … m disappointed
I struggle more and pray for acceptance… m disappointed

I close my eyes and pray for the truth and I hear a voice inside

I listen to the voice and pray for KNOWLEDGE
I promise to abide by all the rules of his nature
I promise to abide by all the rules of intelligence
I promise to preserve protect and spread the knowledge

I close my eyes and make the promises
And the man who was following me comes back, holds my hand and takes me to a new world
The new world which is full of light
he says “ here there's knowledge… u have made the right promises so u can now get the all the knowledge you deserve”

knowledge was power I thought… it was responsibility I thought but after I had it

I know knowledge is love
Knowledge is forgiveness
Knowledge is worship
Knowledge is life


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